How a Hooters March Madness Multichannel Ad Campaign Combined Connected TV & Mobile Channels to Score More Visits.

To build awareness and drive visits, the Spear team optimized upper and lower funnel channels with dynamic, connected TV (CTV) and mobile ads to reach key audiences and drive them to their local Hooters location.​

Our Solutions​

  1. CTV, Mobile, and QR Codes: CTV generated audience awareness and engagement with non-skippable ads and scannable QR codes, while mobile ads reached users who were further along the buyer journey to find the nearest location.
  2. Location-based Audience Targeting: Hooters zeroed in on its core audience segment, males between 18 and 35, who recently visited a Hooters location or another high-indexing brand.
  3. Retail Block Targeting: This tactic enabled the team to reach and influence audiences near Hooters in real time.
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Overall, this campaign influenced more than 20K visits to Hooters locations. That’s an average of 1,000 visits a day and a 200% visitation lift within a 3-week timeframe.

CTV ad spots generated over 800K impressions with a 96.8% video completion rate (VCR), 15.8% higher than the industry average. Mobile ads were responsible for driving 85% of total visits throughout this campaign, and CTV drove the remaining 15%. The true campaign MVP combined CTV and mobile channels, reinforcing Hooters’ messaging and driving diners into restaurants.

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Are you looking to expand your customer base? Contact a Spear expert to work on your next Geomarketing / IP-targeting campaign. Learn More: