Pinterest Gets Mobile, Yelp Gets Social, Instagram Gets Even Cooler … And Other Hot Topics

Don’t you love it when companies listen to the requests of their customers? I do! And that’s exactly what happened this week with three social companies. Pinterest users wanted a better mobile experience: they got it. Yelp users wanted a better way to connect with friends: they got it. Instagram users wanted to better tell the story behind their photos: they got it. Plus, a boat...

DIY Project for Instagram Photos

HTML vs Flash: That is The Question…

Categories: Ecommerce Trends According to the NetCraft site, in 2012 there were more than 580 million websites online, of which more than 175 million were termed active. That said, there are many design languages available to help you create a website, but today we’re pinning two of the most popular languages head-to-head: HTML and Flash. I-What is HTML? HTML (HyperText Markup Language) stands for Hypertext Markup Language. Simply...

Photographs: Social Media’s Hot Content Marketing Asset

Photographs are social media's hot content marketing format. Easy to take with any smartphone and/or other mobile device, photographs are fueling social media platform growth. Instagram, which recently passed the 80 million user mark, and to a lesser extent Pinterest, which has just under 20 million users, exemplify this trend. Even more important, consumers prefer photographs to engage with brands, according to research by...

Facebook – Tridence

Facebook - Tridence

Deliverance: Page administrators, Have you noticed this feature yet, and will you take advantage of it?

Facebook page administrators who are looking for their pages and seeing double now have a way to report duplicate pages. An icon marked "report duplicates" will appear in the left-hand column on the settings page for Facebook pages. In the search field below, you may search for and mark other pages as duplicates if you believe they are inauthentic pages about your page. So don't confuse your customers, have one main page/site.



Facebook Changed Everyone’s Email – Here’s How to Fix It

Facebook just removed everyone's email address from their profile and replaced it with an email address without asking you. Here's how to easily fix the problem. A while ago, Facebook launched its own email service, which was promptly forgotten by everyone. Recently, they removed everyone's email addresses from their profile, replacing them with email address instead. Luckily, your old addresses are very...

Facebook News…

Double Dipping Tip for Tuesday: Photos and text for Facebook Page posts will now appear larger in the News Feed, rather than the smaller version that had appeared previously. Additionally, four photos from an album will be made visible at once — previously only three were included in album stories. So put more energy into sharing high-quality images, or...

Tip: Pinterest users

Tip: Pinterest users - Get the Pinterest's new weekly email digest which will let you know which of your pins was most popular. The newsletter displays a few popular boards, pins from friends, and your most popular pins of the week — a feature that will be useful for brands and marketeers.

Facebook Removes FBML

Removal of FBMLFBML apps will no longer work on Platform. The "FBML Removal" migration will appear and will be enabled for all apps. It will be possible to disable the migration, thereby re-enabling FBML, until July 5, 2012 when the migration and all FBML endpoints will be removed completely.XMPP Connections must be done over TLSApps connecting to Facebook's XMPP service will be required...

Google+ a Ghost Town as Brands Decamp for Pinterest…

Though Traffic From Marketers and Users Is Light, Google Doubles Down on Investment Google+ launched brand pages six months ago, introducing new social lingo, including "hangouts," "circles" and "+1s." But strike up a conversation with a digital marketer these days, and talk of "+1s" has been replaced by that of "pins." Rather than challenge Facebook and Twitter for mindshare, Google is...