
7821Apple vs. Facebook: The Battleground of iOS14 and What It Means For You
December 23,2020ByDAVID VEGA

Apple vs. Facebook: The Battleground of iOS14 and What It Means For You

It’s no secret that Apple and Facebook are clashing. In Apple’s upcoming iOS14 update, changes will be made that directly impact Facebook advertiser’s ability to track, optimize, and target customers as they currently do. But it’s not all bad! Let’s break down what we know, what we can do, and why this may not be as dark as it initially seems for advertisers. Apple and Facebook Clash Over Ad Tracking Opened Ads Manager recently? You’ve likely seen this scary notification pop up:  ❗Upcoming Impact to Your Marketing Efforts Apple has announced product and policy changes that may significantly impact the way you can run ads, measure performance, and engage your customers.  Grim.   What We Know about Facebook and Apple’s iOS14 ✅  We know the update to iOS14 is announced to happen in early 2021 and will require all apps to explicitly ask for permission to gather data and track users across mobile apps and websites.  ✅  We know what this question will look like when presented to users, and we know that the majority of them will select “Ask App not to Track”, prioritizing privacy over a custom ad experience.  ✅  Most Facebook users that have an Apple device will receive the notice ––  those with iPhones, iPads, etc who use the Facebook app, and those who use Safari. Instagram will also be impacted for those users. Those who use Chrome, an alternative browser, or use the Facebook app on their android device are safe (for now).  ✅  We know that less than 20% of people worldwide use Apple devices and/or the Safari browser. ✅  We know that losing that tracking information hinders our ability to provide a targeted ad experience to users.  ✅   Some impactful changes have already taken place. iOS13 limited the tracking of cookies to just 7 days, so Facebook is already limited to attributing conversions to actions that occurred within only a week’s time. Custom audiences are impacted by this as well. In that sense, this information isn’t new, it’s the next step in privacy.  ✅  We know that Facebook needs us, the advertisers, on their side. Chances are you’ve already seen their ads about “Speaking Up For Small Businesses.” However, the relationship between Facebook and its users & advertisers is a tumultuous one! Facebook’s policy support team leaves much to be desired. Their policy checking is next to robotic, resulting in harsh restrictions and bans that impact nearly every advertiser at some point. But we love Facebook advertising! We love it because it is impactful and extremely cost-effective –– probably the most effective ad platform there is right now from a targeting and tracking perspective. And we think even with these changes from Apple, Facebook advertising will continue to be impactful for marketers and businesses. How to Prepare for iOS14 and Facebook Ad Management Now, more than ever, it’s vital to take a step back, look beyond the stats of Ads Manager, and take in the whole picture of your digital marketing strategy.   Pay Attention To Your Own Data  Ads Manager isn’t currently 100% accurate, and it’s only going to get worse. It’s crucial to have a pulse on your month-over-month return, so you can make informed decisions for your accounts. Look at what you spent and what worked overall, then come up with a personal data strategy that works for YOU. Don’t get caught up in the day-to-day mantua, because conversion tracking is going to be off.   Finetune Your Targeting  There will be less user interaction data when those Apple users opt-out. It’s up to us to build a customer avatar that knows what our audience’s interests are, their age groups, genders, etc. Who is your customer and how does what you offer help them? You’ll need to use that avatar to inform your targeting as options like lookalikes become less powerful.   Optimize for Facebook Standard Events Make sure you are following, using, and optimizing for standard events with conversion campaigns. Standard events being those predefined actions like “add to cart”, “purchase”, “view content”, etc.  Facebook will likely phase out things like custom conversions, and it’s possible that they will automatically turn them off for us as they become obsolete.   Do the Very Least  Verify your domain in Business Manager. Now. Go.  Our Thoughts on iOS14 and the Future of Facebook Ads Cookies have been around for a long time now, and play a primary role in how we track our audience. As marketers, we are staring at a potentially massive change in terms of how to best optimize. Will cookies be a thing of the past in 2-3 years? How different will they look?  Part of marketing is adapting. We must be able to innovate and shift to get our messages to our customers. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket and don’t be a fairweather advertiser. Diversify your digital marketing portfolio and stay flexible with your strategy. This is just one of many changes we’ll see in our advertising lifecycles, and we’re here to play the long game.  Check out our latest episode of Ultimate Marketer Podcast to learn more about this and all things marketing! Available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.  Author: Holly King...

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7747Facebook changes terms of service – censorship
September 1,2020ByDAVID VEGA

Facebook changes terms of service – censorship

“Effective October 1, 2020, section 3.2 of our Terms of Service will be updated to include: “We also can remove or restrict access to your content, services or information if we determine that doing so is reasonably necessary to avoid or mitigate adverse legal or regulatory impacts to Facebook.” According to the notification, the change is to take place on October 1. Here’s the exact wording: Effective October 1, 2020, section 3.2 of our Terms of Service will be updated to include: “We also can remove or restrict access to your content, services or information if we determine that doing so is reasonably necessary to avoid or mitigate adverse legal or regulatory impacts to Facebook.” Immediately, reaction began to roll in on social media with users concerned the update amounts to online ‘censorship.’ Especially close to elections, it can look like Election interference. Is this a coincidence? But, The move could be linked to recent changes in Australia, where the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is preparing a bill that would require both Facebook and Google to compensate news outlets when stories are published on their respective platforms. If you’re looking for further clarification on what type of content can be removed, you’ll likely have to wait until the terms of service take effect next month. As noted, the changes to Facebook’s terms of service take effect from October 1, 2020....

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7709New Facebook Feature Gives Users More Information about Articles – Newsfeed
April 4,2018ByDAVID VEGA

New Facebook Feature Gives Users More Information about Articles – Newsfeed

Facebook launched a new feature that combats fake news. Rolling out to U.S. users, these new feature affects all articles posted to news feeds stated below. When users post an article to their feeds, the post will contain more information about the article. The information includes the following: Publisher’s Wikipedia page (if any) Related articles Amount of times people shared the article on Facebook Location of shares Option to follow the publisher’s page More stories by the publisher, which will give people a quick snapshot of the other recent stories posted by the publisher Friends who shared the article, which will show people any of their friends who have shared the article   https://www.facebook.com/facebook/videos/10157254148271729/   Currently, Facebook is also testing a feature that provides more information about an article’s author including Wikipedia entry, option to follow author’s page or profile, and previous articles published. These changes come as a result of fake news stories from various media outlets and outside sources. Facebook research Team involved the Facebook community, academics, and industry partners. Together, they found that additional information about a news story helps users evaluate whether or not a source is trustworthy and can act accordingly. Facebook’s new feature is the result of those findings. #fakenews #socialmedia #facebook #newsfeed...

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7697Facebook adds a sound and music library you can use for video – ‘Sound Collection’.
December 9,2017ByDAVID VEGA

Facebook adds a sound and music library you can use for video – ‘Sound Collection’.

Facebook has added a “sound collection” of 1,000 free, pre-cleared songs by mostly unknown artists for its users to add to their videos. The social media platform started unrolling the new material on Friday (Dec. 8) as part of its larger Facebook for Creators program it announced last month. The new initiative is intended to provide video creators with tools to develop their skills (and followings) on Facebook and Instagram. Facebook Sound Collection has a huge potential but probably won’t deter users from illegally adding popular music to their videos. But, Facebook Sound Collection is a repository of thousands of high-quality audio tracks and sound effects from across the world. These tracks and effects are owned by Facebook (hence there are no hassles with copyright or paying the artists) and video creators are free to use them in their videos which can then be shared on Facebook or Instagram. There is also an accompanying collection of over 1,500 sound effects ranging from Venetian blinds opening to a dental suction tool. It may only be a matter of time before popular acts join the service as well. In September it was reported that Facebook was negotiating with major record labels and music publishers for rights to legally include copyrighted music in videos uploaded to the platform. Check out the songs and sounds here.   Author: David Vega...

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7696How to Bulk Invite your Facebook Friends to LIKE your Business Page.
December 7,2017ByDAVID VEGA

How to Bulk Invite your Facebook Friends to LIKE your Business Page.

Quick Tip:  The other day a Facebook friend posted, Anyone knows if there’s a way to invite a lot of my Facebook friends to like my new business page at once? Going one by one takes forever.” Then I started reading all the comments and I was thinking, “These people need help” LOL. So, I made this quick tutorial video about how to invite friends to like your page, in bulk. Enjoy. Like and Share. [facebook url=”https://www.facebook.com/tridence/videos/1457408637660891/” /]   Author: David Vega, Influencer and Social Media Guru Chicago, IL. & Jacksonville, FL....

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July 19,2017ByDAVID VEGA


Summary: Introducing Messenger As an Ad Destination. Messenger is an amazing tool for brands to communicate with their customers. There is no doubt Email open rates have been on a steady decline the past few years.  All while FB Messenger users are on the rise. The benefits using this new tool is you can broadcast specific messages to a specific segment within your Messenger audience by demographics already build in (tags, gender, location and other customized fields). So, if you’re a social media marketing manager and you help brands grow and engage their audience online, now you have another weapon in your arsenal. Messenger is an amazing tool for brands to communicate with their customers with a personal approach. ~ Tridence Make it Easy to get in Touch With Your Business Messenger gives your business a fast and convenient way for people to get in touch to schedule appointments, ask questions about your products and services and more. And it allows you to build personal connections with your customers. Now, you can create a Facebook News Feed ad that opens a Messenger conversation between your business and your prospective customer. Create an Ad How it Works When a person clicks or taps on your ad in News Feed, a conversation with your business will immediately open in the Messenger app (if the person is on a mobile device) or on the web (if the person is on a desktop computer). People can return to this message conversation at any time on any device with Messenger installed to continue the conversation. Promote Your New Offerings Use your ad to promote new or seasonal offerings and engage your customers in a personal real-time conversation. Tip: Use a greeting message, that people will see when the Messenger conversation opens, to start a conversation with your customers and let them know when to expect a response from you. Offer a Discount Use News Feed ads that open a Messenger conversation as a unique way to provide a coupon code and a personalized experience for your customers. Tip: Save time by using saved replies for the common questions you answer such as store hours or location. Saved replies are templates of messages you can create and save and then reuse when responding to your Page’s messages. Get Started Go to ads creation in Ads Manager or Power Editor Choose Traffic or Conversions objective (Note: Traffic may appear as Send people to your website for some advertisers) Choose your campaign name and click Continue Choose your audience, budget, and placement. Note: You cannot use Instagram as a placement option when selecting Messenger as a destination At the ad level, choose your format. You can choose Carousel, Single Image, Single Video or Slideshowformat Choose the Page you want to connect Choose Messenger as your destination Choose a welcome message. When people click on your ad, they will automatically be directed to Messenger and receive a copy of your ad and the welcome message. After you’ve reviewed your ad, click Place Order Keep in mind: Your ad to open conversations in Messenger won’t appear to people on mobile who don’t have the Messenger app. ~ Tridence...

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