End of the Year 2020 to New Year 2021 thoughts – David Vega, Ceo
From End of the Year 2020 to New Year 2021 thoughts:
2020 – End of year remarks for Brands & Businesses: It’s excellent using social media channels that gained 100k+ followers and or 200k+ hearts/likes per post. But, are you converting this into sales? One should be getting roughly 8% – 10% from your followers. If not, you are wasting time and money.
Hint: no one cares about the likes or followers counts, seriously, from the data reporting. Make sure you use your Hub (website) to gain customer contact, especially (email). Use what you own regarding data to retarget.
2021: As vaccines rollout, businesses will still be struggling for the next three quarters. Brands and Businesses should adapt to survive and replace old, outdated techniques with new and improved strategies to achieve maximum results, and go with agencies that offer (omnichannel) expertise with #affordable solutions. The one solution agency is no longer. One must be an #expert in multiple offerings with a technology-based approach to sustain client growth, like Tridence.
Hint: Digital Marketing explosion will be on steroids for 2021. Even with browser platforms and mobile phone restrictions like (ios), we will be limiting retargeting data (ads) with permission user-based preferences (Samsung – android – coming soon). Online digital advertising needs to refocus and use a workaround for direct customer behavioral advertising.
What is it? Cookieless based IP targeting and Tridence with its tech data partners leading the way. Ditch the current forms of cookie-based (pixel) online advertising (old way) and step into the future of personalized household IP Targeting (new way). Capture and send ads from localized demographics data from venues, businesses, and specific mapping areas. Advertise directly to your customer base and location. Tridence is a leader in technology solutions for digital marketing platforms for companies and brands. Re-Launching our new and improved IP Targeting CPM service delivery in January. Let’s chat to target your potential customers https://tridence.link/discovery-call.

Conclusion: For the past 20+ years, I am not your cookie-cutter digital marketing company. We recognize each business has its own set of needs, budget, & goals. We tailor a 3 step approach to each partner: Build. Optimize. Scale.
Let’s chat. https://tridence.link/discovery-call