Blessings of Thanksgiving
As we gather with family and friends or travel to “go home” for Thanksgiving, I’m well aware that not every home is a happy place. Sometimes it’s hard to have faith, even for those who believe and trust Christ as Lord and Savior. Often, when our faith runs low, it’s moments have a lot to do with our current life circumstances. These Circumstances do matter, as they often weaken our faith and beliefs within us. But, Don’t let it fill you with rage. That’s where giving thanks can come in. The giving of thanks in itself is an act of trust. As you go home or to a personal place this Thanksgiving, as you re-enter circumstances and situations that remind you of painful times, always remember to be thankful. Giving thanks concedes that we are debtors to God (or faith belief) and that we depend upon Him. Try saying something like the following: “Lord, even though I don’t understand everything that’s going on, I’m going to give you thanks for your kindness, your mercies, and all the blessings I have received. Lord, I love you, and I entrust myself to you.” The Scriptures within our lives tell us to be thankful for all things. We’re not meant to be grateful for all things, but in every circumstance, especially in hardship, we can and should be thankful for what we do have. Giving thanks is an act of trust and, when repeated, is an act of spiritual nourishment that can shape our spiritual beliefs, heightened our awareness, and build our faith. Everyone have a Blessed Thanksgiving and enjoy the moments that bind us all together as one unity of spiritual energies....
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