
7699Twitter Launches New ‘Threads’ Feature for Tweetstorms
December 14,2017ByDAVID VEGA

Twitter Launches New ‘Threads’ Feature for Tweetstorms

Twitter is announcing the launch of a new feature that will allow people to more easily post tweetstorms – that is, multiple numbered tweets on a topic or idea “tweetstorm.” Now With Threads, two or more tweets can be linked, simplifying and streamlining the tweetstorm concept.  The company confirmed last month it was testing the feature – which it’s now calling “threads” – across its iOS and Android apps. When you create a tweet on Twitter, you can use the “+” button to add more tweets to the original tweet in the compose window. All of your tweets can be drafted ahead of time and then sent out at once using the new “Tweet All” button. Tweets can also be added to a published thread using the “Add Another Tweet” button, and when browsing Twitter, there’s a new “Show this thread” label that makes it easier to find a series of linked tweets. Twitter says that the new Threads feature is designed for people who want to serialize a longer story or thought or provide ongoing commentary on a particular event or topic. Threads are the second major change that’s been made to Twitter in recent weeks, following a decision to increase the character limit from 140 to 280 characters to give Twitter users more room to express themselves. Twitter says the new Threads feature is rolling out to iOS, Android, and the web “in the coming weeks.”   Author: David Vega, Jacksonville  ...

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7695YouTube is launching a new video format called Reels
December 4,2017ByDAVID VEGA

YouTube is launching a new video format called Reels

YouTube is developing a new video feature that allows creators to post 30-second videos called Reels. The feature, which is noticeably similar to Snapchat and Instagram Stories, was previously absent from YouTube. Thus, bringing “Youtuber’s” to be a more Social acceptable environment. Reels will appear in a brand-new tab on creators’ channels and can be decorated with filters, text, and stickers. Reels won’t expire after 24 hours, and one creator can make multiple topic-specific Reels, unlike Snapchat and Instagram Stories. The company tells us the idea with Reels is to introduce a new video format on YouTube that lets creators express themselves and engage fans without having to post a full video. Instead, creators make new Reels by shooting a few quick mobile videos of up to 30 seconds each, then adding filters, music, text and more, including new “YouTube like” stickers. And unlike Stories on other platforms, YouTube creators can make multiple Reels and they won’t expire. Below is what Reels will look like for creators at launch, but be aware that the format could change ahead of a public release.   The arrival of Reels is one of a handful of changes for YouTube and the YouTube Community, the social platform launched last fall as a new way for video creators to engage with their fan base. A mini social network within YouTube’s larger social network, Community lives on a creator’s channel in its own tab, allowing them to share updates using text, photos, GIFs, polls, and more....

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7687Snapchat’s new context cards let you read reviews, book reservations, and more.
October 11,2017ByDAVID VEGA

Snapchat’s new context cards let you read reviews, book reservations, and more.

Snapchat today is introducing context cards, which add contextual information to geotagged photos and images shared in public stories. Snaps added to the regional Our Story feature, or those sent with the white-text, venue-specific geo filter, will include the cards automatically. Users can swipe up on any snap that displays the word “more” and they’ll see an interactive card pop up with contextual information about the place in question. Partners supplying information for the cards include Foursquare, OpenTable, TripAdvisor, and Lyft, and will grow over time, Snaps says. If you’ve used Google Maps, you’ve seen cards like these. They offer basic details about a venue including the address, phone number, website, and hours. Scroll down and you’ll see crowdsourced reviews from Snap’s partners. You can reserve a table using OpenTable, Resy, or Bookatable, or order rides to venues using Lyft and Uber. Some context cards will also have public stories integrated into the card, along with images contributed by the venue. The move comes about four months after the introduction of Snap Maps, which allows you to see your friends’ locations in real time, alongside a heat map of public snaps. Maps are viewed internally as a promising new area of investment for Snap; contributions to public stories are up 40 percent since they were introduced, Axios reported last week. Context cards will help Snap build out an infrastructure for its future efforts in local products, while also likely creating new revenue opportunities down the line. Let’s get to some of your frequently asked questions about context cards. Are context cards good or bad? They seem relatively good. They do not appear to be actively bad. What’s so good about them? They teach teenagers about important concepts, such as the importance of making reservations or checking to see whether a business is open before making their mom drive them all the way there in this traffic. What is the worst context card I can expect to see? Definitely the Goop cards. Goop is one of the nine launch partners, and now there will be unsolicited Goop in your snaps. What does Elise Loehnen, chief content officer of Goop, have to say about context cards, in the promotional materials that were distributed for context cards? “Travel is one of our most popular verticals, and a natural extension of Gwyneth’s impetus for starting Goop: to create a place where readers can find recommendations from a trusted friend, not from an anonymous, crowdsourced engine.” Won’t context cards primarily show recommendations from anonymous, crowdsourced engines? That is our understanding, yes. How can I protect my teenager from Goop recommendations? Slather them in Goop’s most hated enemies: processed cheese and Mountain Dew. Great. Where are context cards available? You’ll see them on both iOS and Android, assuming you live in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, or New Zealand.   Author:  Casey Newton...

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7672What Is the New Archive Feature in Google Photos?
June 13,2017ByDAVID VEGA

What Is the New Archive Feature in Google Photos?

If you’re a Google Photos user, you’ve may have seen a new feature called “Archive” show up in the app’s sidebar. if not, don’t stress—it’s just now rolling out and not everyone has it yet. Since it’s new, here’s a quick look at what it is, why you want it, and how to use it. In short, this is a way to keep your Photos more organized—it’s really not that different than archiving emails in Gmail. You can archive photos that you don’t want in your main stream, but still keep them stored online. They’ll still show up in search, as well as in any albums you may have them in. It’s simply a way to keep things clean and clutter-free in Google Photos. Using it is just as simple. This should work the same way on both Android and iOS. Go ahead and fire up Photos. To make sure you have the feature, pull open the left side menu, and look for “Archive.” You can tap it if you’d like, but there won’t be anything there since you likely haven’t archived anything yet. To start archiving photos you’d like to keep out of your stream, go ahead and long-press one, then select any others you’d like to add. Tap the three dots in the top right corner, then choose “Archive.” Just like that, they’ll disappear from the main Photos view and be moved to the Archive section. Super simple. Once you’ve archived the first few photos, a new option should also appear under the Assistant tab that allows you to “Clear the Clutter.” This may not show up immediately, but you should receive a notification when it’s ready. Basically, this is a sort of “smart” archive feature that will pick things you may not want to keep in the main view—screenshots, receipts, etc. Tap “Review Suggestions” to take a closer look. Everything is pre-selected and ready to be archived as soon as you open this view, but feel free to scroll through and make sure you’re cool with all this stuff being hidden. After you review everything, just give the “Archive” button in the top right a tap. Poof! Just like that, a bunch of clutter is gone. If you ever archive a photo and realize that you want it back in your main feed, go ahead and jump into the Archive screen, long press the photo, tap the three dots in the top right, and choose “Unarchive.” It’s almost like that makes sense. Author: By Cameron Summerson on June 13th, 2017   Facebook Page: Tridence...

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7636Where Social Media Marketing Fits In Your 2012 Budget?
January 15,2012ByDAVID VEGA

Where Social Media Marketing Fits In Your 2012 Budget?

Regardless of what marketers say about social media, the rubber hits the road at budget time when they have to put their money where their mouth is. For B2B marketers, social media marketing ranks seventh in terms of budget importance trailing old-fashioned postal direct mail according to 2012 B2B Marketing Benchmark Report conducted by Marketing Sherpa and sponsored by Marketo. Where is social media in your B2B marketing budget? Before you write off social media as a consumer-only marketing strategy, here are 3 reasons many B2B marketers overlook the importance of social media in their 2012 budgets. 1.    Weak U.S. economy drives use of tried and true marketing strategies. The continued frail U.S. economy has made marketers reticent to use more experimental formats. It’s safer and easier to use the marketing strategies that worked best historically and provide an indicator of performance potential.  As a result, there’s less perceived risk. 2.    Marketers overlook the cost of social media. If social media has no cost, then there’s no reason to include it in your budget. Of course, this is a fallacy because social media marketing requires brand monitoring to track the conversation, content marketing to feed social media engagement, and headcount to participate on social media platforms. 3.    Social media has weak or limited metrics. Across the board, marketers are challenged when it comes to measuring hard results from social media in terms of lead generation and sales. Last year, research from SmartBrief for Social Media and Summus Limited found that only one third of firms tracked social media marketing ROIafter three years. Exacerbating this problem is the fact that some marketers don’t include a clear call-to-action and unique tracking code within social. If you’re a B2B who does NOT overlook social media, but has yet to effectively incorporate social into your marketing strategy, here are 5 suggestions to get you started with social leveraging existing marketing strategies. If implemented effectively, your social media marketing can enhance other areas of your marketing budget. 1.    Use social media to support your search optimization efforts (SEO). To this end, create a blog and integrate it with your website. Where appropriate, link to products on your website. When done well, these two marketing strategies support each other. Incorporate improved organic search rankings into your tracking metrics. 2.    Create relevant content marketing. When implementing a social media marketing strategy, develop appropriate content. To ensure that you have sufficient content, plan your editorial calendar to include both unique and repurposed content with a new twist within social channels. Understand that using the same boring product information everywhere won’t cut it! 3.    Incorporate contextually relevant call-to-action and related unique tracking codes. The bottom line is that it’s difficult to make a case for social media if you can’t show business results. To this end, it’s important to develop metrics that relate back to your business objectives at the point when you’re developing your overall marketing plans. Otherwise, you’ll have to make do with whatever you’re able to collect after the fact and the challenge is that social media can have an impact on soft issues that are outside of your regular tracking. 4.    Add social sharing to your content. Cost-effectively extend the reach of your marketing by including social sharing buttons and related calls-to-action on your content. Use the dominant formats, namely Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and StumbleUpon. The aim is to increase your reach via earned impressions. 5.    Support your social media marketing efforts with internal or owned media.Social media doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It requires marketing to drive readers and engagement. To this end, leverage your internal media, namely your website, emailings, business cards and email signature files to promote your social media executions. While a special targeted marketing promotion isn’t needed, it does need to be marketed. Social media should have a place in your B2B marketing plans and budget. While you may want to believe that social media is free, it requires support both human and financial as well as senior management buy-in. Further, social media marketing must be integrated into your overall strategy to maximize its effectiveness and ensure that it’s cross-promoted and tracked appropriately. Where is social media marketing fit into your plans for 2012? Author: Maria Pergolino...

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